Posted by: admin on: January 10, 2014
Posted by: admin on: October 24, 2012
The Hop is a robotic suitcase that triangulates it’s owners location from the bluetooth on their smartphone and follows them wherever they go. If the signal is lost the user is alerted by the vibration of the phone and suitcase locks itself. Seems like the future? Well it is at moment as this is just […]
Posted by: admin on: October 5, 2012
Posted by: admin on: September 17, 2012
You can find remote control multi-color, energy efficient LED light bulbs at Amazon. But remote controls are easy to lose so if you want bulbs that you control with your smartphone you’ll have to wait for the one in the video by LIFX to be released.
Posted by: admin on: August 20, 2012
Great for travel, presentations or just showing off to your friends. Depending on the quality of the picture you need you can get a cheap one for $99 or a branded one forĀ $257 or one that fits your iPhone for $239.99
Posted by: admin on: August 10, 2012
Just what you need to start that drug dealing career you’ve always dreamed of! But seriously this is an awesome idea that makes giving out phone numbers safer and more convenient than ever before. Get it at
Posted by: admin on: August 9, 2012
This clever gadget scans in your cards and stores the information behind a biometric fingerprint system. Then when you want to use a card it loads the information onto the programmable card on the back. You can pick one up for a scorching $200 from Geode.
Posted by: admin on: August 1, 2012
Attach this little lens by Kogento and you can get a 360 degree view from your smartphone camera. Great for those times when you need eyes in the back of your head as there isn’t time to capture everything that is going on around you. $47.45 on