Shut Up And Take My Money! – Aggressive Consumerism

Posts Tagged ‘garden


Picnic Table Bench – The Latest In Bench Technology!

Posted by: admin on: July 23, 2012

Your first question might be why be why is this aged gentleman displaying his sizeable gut through an unbuttoned shirt but your second one has to be sweet jesus how much does this baby cost and where can I get one? Even if you weren’t asking either of those questions, here’s the answer Via Amazon

Balcony Grill For Inner City BBQ’s

Posted by: admin on: July 18, 2012

This awesome compact little grill  for those without a garden is made by Design Delicatessen in Denmark. It probably contravenes health and safety laws wherever you might want to use it. Even so I want one so bad, I don’t even have an apartment, I might fix one to the front of my  bike.

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